Thursday, July 8, 2010


Check out some shots from our shoot with Andrew and Ali on their engagement shoot in Mammoth Mountain, California. We literally had about 20 minutes to do the whole shoot the day before the wedding. It was totally crazy. Jumping over rocks. Running across roads. Climbing on bridges. At one point I almost fell into/over a waterfall. Pretty intense, but I think we did an okay job of completing our mission. And Andrew and Ali couldn't have been better sports.
// Clay Hadick //

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

open door photography clay hadick justin jacobs ANDREW AND ALI GORDON engagement MAMMOTH MOUNTAIN

For more information visit us at:

Open Door Photography
Clay Hadick
Justin Jacobs