Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Check out some teaser shots from Jeff and Jamie's wedding over in Avila Beach, Ca.
// Open Door Photography //

Way to go Jamie for bringing "hand-crafted" to a new level! From the arrangements, to the guestbook, to the foot jewelry... Jamie had her personal touch on almost everything.

I actually met Jamie at the local bank where she works as a teller. I would go in week after week, and she would always make extra effort to strike up conversation. But how well can you really get to know someone in 30sec every other week?

So apparently, after a prolonged dating relationship, Jeff finally popped the question. And we are all so happy that he did. Jeff and Jamie are so cute together. And they surround themselves with amazing people. It's been a while since I've seen enthusiasm on the dance floor like I saw this weekend. Well done crew...well done (photos to come).

We also had the privilege of working with Sean Dasmann of AMS Entertainment (www.amsentertainment.com) and Megan at The Avila Bay Club (abac.caclubs.com). Megan was ready and available to handle anything and everything, and the reception ran so smoothly because of her and her team. And Sean is incredible. He kept the dance floor pumping all night, and he made an excellent host for the bride and groom's "newlywed game". Thanks for the smiles Sean!

For more information visit us at:

Open Door Photography
Clay Hadick
Justin Jacobs